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The town's people were being converted into Cybermen that had the Cyber powered implants. Joey and Carrie we're horrified saying," how could someone do this to a town like Eureka?!?!?!?!?" The Jaroner looked at them and feeling sympathetic he said," I'm going to help you out with this situation." Nora and Arty Lattimer finally slightly over their parents deaths responded," and we'll help too!!" The Jaroner was thinking about a way to stop The Catcher's weird revenge plot. Finally Joey spoke up," I have an idea of what to do about the Cybermen, but it's risky?!?!?" The Jaroner replied," I'm all ears!?!?!" Joey and Carrie told them all about their plan. Nora, Arty, and The Jaroner got ready to be the distraction.